Embracing the Delay

As we eagerly await the arrival of Spring here in the Midwest, let's not forget to honor the season of Winter. Winter is a time for stillness, reflection, and inner transformation. Just as nature slows to rest and rejuvenate, we too can benefit by taking this opportunity to connect with ourselves and our spirit guides. As I recently sat to channel, the message began:

“It is with great sadness that a heart learns the lessons of the wounds inside. Yet, awareness is greater than the pain, for it brings to light that which is unhealed. If something continues to surface, it is a sign that unresolved energy lingers in our energy field, drawing our attention to it once more.

What remains to be revealed? Whatever it is lies just beneath the surface of any emotion, belief, or situation. It continues to rise, manifesting through the people we attract, the situations we create, and the persistent rumination of our minds.”

Recently, I found myself in a situation I never imagined I’d be part of—yet, there I was, in the eye of the storm. I turned within once more, seeking the reflection of what was within me, intertwined with all the emotions I was feeling. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Asking yourself, How and why did I manifest this into my life? And why is it taking so long for the situation to resolve? When the inevitable was obvious to everyone involved, why did it still unfold the way it did?

In my search for answers, I turned to my spirit guides. Why did it take so long? Why wasn’t action taken sooner? Why, why, why? And the response came back clearly: Why did you create your reality to include such a delay?

Time remains a construct of our reality, and we are the creators of our experience. The delay in finality nudged me back into the space I often avoid—my emotions and feelings. It forced me to fully sit with the emotion I labeled as hurt. Not just from the actions directed at me, but also from those who had the responsibility to take action, yet did not.

Hurt—an emotion buried deep within—was finally given permission to rise and physical be felt.  Felt within my heart, at a level deeper than I knew I had capacity to feel.  For all the times I conveniently placed it in my energetic backpack until I could deal with it ‘later,’ postponing the inevitable.  Later had finally arrived. And with it, an opportunity not only to process hurt but to observe my response. When given the chance to react with aggression or bitterness, I did no such thing. Instead, I saw my so-called aggressor for the soul they truly are, beyond the human form that merely showed up to facilitate my healing.

Nothing in life happens to us; it happens for us. Every experience is an opportunity to reflect on what resides within us or to confront emotions long suppressed. If you find yourself in a situation that feels unbearable, ask yourself: What am I being called to heal? The answer lies not in resistance but in surrender. The more we embrace our emotions, the more we free ourselves from the cycles that keep us stuck.

Be grateful for the delay, for it is the universe’s way of ensuring that healing is thorough, not rushed. Each experience, no matter how painful, is a step toward integration, wholeness, and peace.

If you are ready to dive deeper into your healing journey and release the energy that no longer serves you, Sacred Light Integrations is here to support you. Reach out today to schedule a session and take the next step toward balance, clarity, and inner peace.


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