Emotional Healing, Meditation, Self Healing Dianne Schaver Emotional Healing, Meditation, Self Healing Dianne Schaver

Healing – A Reminder, Guidance or a Lesson

In pealing the many layers of me, I discovered yet another emotion and set out to process and heal this one as I have so many others over the past many years on this journey. Turns out, as I shined a light and began the process, I realized that this one, was just the surface of a much deeper lesson from my past. I had allowed someone, who claimed to love me, to constantly belittle me, tell me I wasn’t good enough, criticize every action I made, call me names and well, you get the idea. I never talked or fought back because of a list of reasons including, I never liked conflict.

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Self Healing, Vision Quest Dianne Schaver Self Healing, Vision Quest Dianne Schaver

Vision Quest

My guides led me to plan a trip 'west' and I was told this was a vision quest. Although, my understanding of a vision quest, previously, was going into nature alone for days to connect with The Great Spirit and Nature itself, to receive guidance on one's soul journey; my guides reminded me to not put limits on the definition.

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