Message from Arcturian

For the past many months, I’ve been connecting daily with an Arcturian Aspect of myself and have received some very profound and interesting messages. The message below has been continually coming to my awareness and as I’ve shared with a few others, I’m being told to continue to share with even more people and through various connections. What a better connection, than the Blog on my Website!

"Healing is a matter of replacing old non-functioning, or mis-firing energy blocks. This is so in all of creation. But do not error in thinking something is incorrect or not functioning properly just because it doesn't function the way You think it should function."

As many of us have limiting beliefs or patterns of thoughts on how things ‘should be’, ‘should function’ or ‘should……something’! This is true for our diet, our health, non-physical images we see, how people interact with each other and the world around them; since everything IS energy, the list is endless. Allowing ourselves to see and perceive, any and all interaction with an open mind and heart can perhaps allow us to see something other than we normally would expect to see OR understanding something that has been in plain site our whole lives!

Since receiving this message and truly being open to all possibilities, my visions during meditation and sharing with my clients, have brought new visual experiences, I would have thought or said, was not possible! But now, I see in a whole new light. I’ve also had multiple, ‘ah ha’ moments for connecting the dots on information I’ve received repeatedly over the years, but now I understand HOW it fits into the lesson I was to be learning!


Healing the Physical Body Through the Emotional Body


Stop the Busy, Busy Mind