Stop the Busy, Busy Mind

I constantly hear from clients and friends; ‘I struggle to clear my mind’ or ‘I can’t meditate’.   This mirrors what my own guides tell me and also reflects in the messages I’ve been receiving, repeatedly, lately; ‘Stop Over Thinking, Dianne’.  Today, on a hike, as I was soaking up the morning sun, I looked up and saw the waning moon and reflected on how the last full moon brought so much awareness to me on some very deep-rooted beliefs in my world.   After the hike, I came home and sat down with a focused mind on this ongoing pattern of my busy, busy mind. 

I’ve been connecting quite often with a Guide from the Melchizedek Priesthood.  This guide has been a treasure to me as he has brought so much awareness to me about why I am the way I am.  He has helped me see how events from my life have shaped who I have become.  With that awareness, comes much healing as I’m able to see the mindset I was in at the time.  Understanding that now, has truly helped me move past so much and clear away those old thoughtforms and limiting beliefs.   But I digress, as my mind often does and no pun intended, on why, I are here today!    I asked this Guide this morning, how or what I could do, to help clear my mind and silence that analyzing voice inside my head.  And this is what he shared:

“To clear the mind is to become resonate with the universe and with nature, with the very flow you know you are blocking.  Picture a flowing river of water, as you’ve often referred to with your emotional trainings.  How is this any different than that?   Thoughts are just like emotions ~ they are energy and have the power to displace energy in your subtle energy flow, just like a fallen timber in a flowing river.  Same thing.  You’ve spent much time clearing up your emotional body and coming to understand those, this is the next step, the next layer.   You’ve always needed a visual to assist you, well there you go.  But that is just one aspect of this guidance that I have to share.

The physical world you humans live in has you calling for physical objects to adjust or help you; even though you know it is all just energy vibrating at different frequencies.  But let me continue onto those items in your physical world that can help you with that busy, busy mind of yours. 

Just this week, a friend reached out to you and inquired about an essential oil to help with opening her throat chakra and you knowingly shared the sacred oil of Eucalyptus.  This oil has long been linked with opening pathways in your human lungs to aid those with breathing.  This dear one can help you to open the mind space, just as easily as it is helping your friend on her throat chakra.  As you stay in alignment, remember that nothing that happens in your world, is by chance.  It was at the time, and being shared with you now, that it was also a message for you to use the oil.

Next, to clear your mind, grab your small clear quartz crystals.  You recently grabbed them with a fleeting thought of how pure they are and how you desire that purity within your mind.  Again, nothing is by chance.  Just as you had done, grab your little crystal quartz points and program them with your intention, to aid you in clearing thoughts from your mind.   Carry, one in each pocket, as you have done in the past and feel thoughts float away easily as your energy resonates with that purity.

While although the reminder of the clear flowing water is a tool, I will add but one more here as that will make three physical objects to aid you in your intention.  By now, you know the objects that have crossed your energy lately, with the full moon shining brightly for you to see what you need, are the tools to aid you and this makes the last tool, the tuning forks you danced with in light of the full moon.  Your original thought was the vibration would help relax the neck and shoulder muscles and while they did indeed help with this, the frequency also relaxed the mind and quieted the chatter of the day.   Your play with the C and G notes were fun and playful at the end of your human day, and was your guidance to use these more for the mind and the body.

The insistent chatter of the brain is simply energy needing to be disbursed and by thinking, it does just that. With that being said, however, you can instead bring the mind into resonance with the frequency of the essential oil, the crystals and the tuning forks, all the higher vibrational energy, your soul craves.   As you use these tools and see the image of fewer and fewer timbers falling into your energy flow, you’ll find the peace you crave and see the clear flowing river once again as your energy body reflects the clear flow of energy within you.  Until next time, dear one, until next time.”

While although this was shared for me, I am hoping the tools he mentioned, can perhaps help others as well.  And if those tools do not resonate for you, be sure to check out my service of Aligned Pathways.  This service has us connect with your higher self and ask which vibrational energy tools, you are most aligned with, at this point on your journey to help YOU move forward!


Message from Arcturian


Vision Quest