Vision Quest

My guides led me to plan a trip 'west' and I was told this was a vision quest. Although, my understanding of a vision quest, previously, was going into nature alone for days to connect with The Great Spirit and Nature itself, to receive guidance on one's soul journey; my guides reminded me to not put limits on the definition.   Taking that guidance and wonderful reminder to heart, I headed out following their suggestions on what places to visit and even the order in which to visit them over the next five days!

What unfolded was a storybook of ancient burial grounds, ley line energy, medicine wheels, and an abundance of sacred ground for the Healer Archetype I reflect in this life as a Shaman.

First Lesson, let go of any phrases that limit our experiences; thinking something 'should be' or is predefined as.

Our minds and energy are Limitless!

As my guides led me on a trail of discovering Native American culture, one of the places I was guided to visit was Pipestone National Monument.  For generations, American Indians came to this Sacred Land to quarry red pipestone for their peace pipes.  This land was neutral territory where all tribes could quarry the stone.   Members of tribes having disputes or at war, would visit this place in peace and stand beside each other to perform the ritual of their ancestors to obtain the precious Pipestone.  

To the Native Americans, the first step of taking something from Nature (this pipestone, crops or the animals for their food) was to show their appreciation for what they were about to receive and leave a gift of their own for Her.  While we often take a walk through a park or perhaps eat wild caught salmon, without a thought; perhaps this ancient practice of showing appreciation can be revived within us all and we too, can once again stand beside those we may not see eye to eye with, to recognize at the root of all things, we are all humans living on this generous planet Earth who has gifted us thousands of acres of beautiful natural lands to wander and explore and enjoy with our fellow people.

Pipestone is still available to the Native Americas to come quarry their sacred Pipestone and stand together as one as they continue the traditions of their ancestors.

Another stop on my journey, was Good Earth State Park. As the Park District broke ground to build a new visitor center, they revealed petroglyphs, showing signs and messages from the Native Americans who walked this land years before. The energy at this park was simply amazing for anyone taking time to sit quietly and feel the energy flow through them. It was a healing, a coming home and call to share with others, all rolled into a few hours time.

Listening and following our intuition and can lead to very profound and amazing leaps of faith into trusting ourselves. Do you respect and follow your intuition? Perhaps that is what led you to this page and this site. Next up~book your Session!


Stop the Busy, Busy Mind


Explore to Tap Nature's Healing Gift