Healing the Physical Body Through the Emotional Body

How often do scenarios play out in our daily lives that spark emotional responses from us? That upon reflection, make us question why we responded the way we did.    These reactions may be from events that occurred in this lifetime; however, they can also be from another timeline or lifetime our soul experienced- one that we are not even aware of.   Serving as an energetic anchor, the emotion felt from that unknown time, can easily magnify our current reaction.  In other words, the emotional response is much sharper for us than a similar situation to someone else.  Once that prior situation is brought to light, the reaction becomes an opportunity for understanding and healing.

I’ve recently asked my guides, “As I’m guided to offer different services, am I to continue offering ‘Emotional Barrier Release’, as a service?”   The answer was one word, “Absolutely” with much energy and affirmation in the response.   The intensity of the positive reaction, nudged me to use the opportunity to understand more clearly the importance of this service to my clients.   The message started simply, “Part of the Ascension process is expanding one’s consciousness.  It is through this process incarnated humans have the opportunity to use the physical world to create a life full of opportunities to heal lower vibrational emotional energy from their soul’s energetic blueprint and from their ancestral lineage.”  

Always being aware that imbalances in the mental body, if not addressed, flow into emotional body and if not addressed there, will show up in our physical body, through Dis-Ease.  For example, if someone’s self-talk includes phrases like “no one loves me” or “I am not worthy of love”, their emotional body will begin to feel sad or depressed.   The energy of love is tied to the heart chakra, so these feelings may eventually manifest into heart conditions in the physical body.  

Expanding one’s consciousness, includes not only seeking to understand ourselves and how we interact with the world around us, but also healing the imbalances that we find in the seeking.   My guides continued the message by explaining that by processing and clearing emotional energy in turn, aids the human body to heal the physical imbalances that had started to represent themselves.   In my mind’s eye, I was shown a slideshow of clients and friends I have worked with, the emotions healed and released, then showed me minor physical conditions that have since healed because of that session or a few sessions!  

Definitely something to consider, if someone has a physical dis-ease or condition, that cannot be explained by medical professionals.  Looking at the energetic layers beyond the physical body is the future of medicine and overall wellbeing.  

Taking this one step further, a comment regarding ancestral lineage was brought back to my awareness, multiple recent sessions, when I was shown a clearing of emotional energy back through the bloodlines of our ancestors!   This brings a whole new dimension to physical manifestations we have blamed our ancestors for our dis-ease!   While many believe it is through the physical body the imbalances are ‘inherited’, when in fact it may be through the mental or emotional bodies!   Now is the perfect time for deep emotional healing for not only yourself, but for our ancestors, as well as generations of the future.

Working with emotions, and the barriers they create, can help individuals prepare the physical body to integrate additional light and the new 5D blueprint and aid the soul on the process of ascension.  There are definitely countless benefits from diving into our Emotions and healing the energy layers they impact.  

Scheduling your session for an Emotional Barrier Release today could help you address any physical plateaus, mis-alignments or imbalances in your present and future timelines!


What Do You Carry In Your Pocket


Message from Arcturian