Emotional Healing, Meditation, Self Healing Dianne Schaver Emotional Healing, Meditation, Self Healing Dianne Schaver

Healing – A Reminder, Guidance or a Lesson

In pealing the many layers of me, I discovered yet another emotion and set out to process and heal this one as I have so many others over the past many years on this journey. Turns out, as I shined a light and began the process, I realized that this one, was just the surface of a much deeper lesson from my past. I had allowed someone, who claimed to love me, to constantly belittle me, tell me I wasn’t good enough, criticize every action I made, call me names and well, you get the idea. I never talked or fought back because of a list of reasons including, I never liked conflict.

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Emotional Healing Dianne Schaver Emotional Healing Dianne Schaver

Healing the Physical Body Through the Emotional Body

How often do scenarios play out in our daily lives that spark emotional responses from us? That upon reflection, make us question why we responded the way we did. These reactions may be from events that occurred in this lifetime; however, they can also be from another timeline or lifetime our soul experienced- one that we are not even aware of.

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