Light the Fire, See the Light

On this journey it is not simply looking at what is now, it is looking at the cycles or patterns within our own lives, where we can truly begin to understand and utilize that information to our benefit.    I have always been fascinated with the Five Element Theory, a theory deeply rooted in Chinese healing and philosophies.   It explains the cycles themselves:   creation, transformation, destruction and the functions of the various elements and how they present themselves.  

The elements are at the root of physical matter through the platonic solids, and flow with the creation of a human being through the astrological layout at birth and into the meridian channels within the human body.   It is here, where we have the information to understand, where our cycles and patterns may out of balance.   

In addition to the creation cycle of this theory, there contains a control cycle.   Ensuring that the elements support the entire cycle by keeping other elements ‘in check’, and supporting and lending its qualities wherever it is needed in the process.

As I have always understood all this at a conceptual level and utilized it to the extent of my prior awareness, as my 10th Charka was recently activated and the Unity aspect of that Chakra fully presented itself; the cycles have quickly begun to shine lights on other interactions the elements play, that we as humans often do not pick up on, as the messages they are meant to be and how we ourselves manifest situations we need, when the time is right, and not even realize it.

Recently, I was invited to two gatherings.  One with friends I connect with often and one with friends, I’ve not seen in some time.   As we are always torn as humans, when this occurs, as events often fall on the same day, same time, we easily see decisions such as this are very much, choosing an energy pattern!

Past events with the older friends had not worked out for me on far too many occasions, so that was my choice for the unknown fated evening.  Having the opportunity to reconnect with those who were a significant part of my life years ago, seemed perfect, especially with the focus being celebrating a birthday; celebrating life, as I’ve always been drawn to do.   Probably something to do with being on life-support at one time, but that does tend to shift one’s perception, in and of itself.

The evening unfolded beautifully as hugs were shared and welcomes made, the hostess built a small fire to take off the surprising slight chill in the evening summer air.   We nourished our bodies with delicious food and our souls with updates of everyone’s life shared.   I enjoyed the evening; sitting in nature, watching the fire, and very much having a slideshow of fun events and laughs shared in times past, played through my third eye.   The evening ended, good-byes were said.    I arrived home and fell into a wonderful evening of rest, and unknown to me until later, healing as well.

For in the morning, I woke and my hand, well ahead of my mind, called me to my journal before anything else would be done that day.  Yet as I sat and put pen to paper, I normally feel who is here.  What energy, what collective, what consciousness.  Then I felt it, a feeling I was introduced to less than a week ago.   The pen began to flow:

“You may begin, I am here.  Yes, I Am.  All there is.  A thought, an awareness, that manifested into all the experiences and adventures, as well as all the trials and struggles.  It is all because of a thought, a wonder, a curiosity.”

The message continued for well over an hour as pieces of the bigger picture, the packed thought forms as they are called, dropped in, one after another.  

Of all that came through, the item I feel most drawn to share, as we look at the creation and control cycles of wood and fire.   In the creation cycle, wood supports / fuels fire, just as the night before, as log after log was placed on the fire and the wood fueled the fire to burn aware the old, the no longer needed.   In the control cycle, fire controls metal and in the creation cycle, fire flows to earth.    Yet all the elements support each other to benefit the entire cycle, sometimes stepping outside the normal, expected role.   

In addition to melting metal and keeping it in check, fire also consumes or destroys wood.   I have been struggling with my wood element for some time and will save that story for another day, yet as the understanding of YES, the energy behind the imbalance, is made aware and understood, the energy that was the block can be cleared away.     The fire with friends, from a time in my life when much of the impact to my wood element had occurred, was gifted to me; to aid me in burning away wood energy, that I no longer needed.   As the Year of the Dragon marches on, I am grateful for the element of fire for its role in burning away the old.  For it is from the ashes, a Phoenix can rise; and I can allow energy to flow to me and through me with the full knowing, exactly Who I Am, and What I Can Become……


I know some who read this will not grasp the depth to which this is, yet for those who do or are enticed by the depth to which we are as a collective and as individuals and what YOU can become, I invite you to book a session and try my new service.   A combined Chakra Balancing and Meridian Clearing, for as we collectively focus on these key energy centers and channels in YOUR body, we encourage movement and balancing to the entire cycle of YOUR life so you too can flow with ease and begin to see Your Greatness and all YOU can become.

Until next time.. Namaste.


Breaking Free from Labels and Limiting Beliefs ~ Rediscovering Your True Identity


Remembering the Basics